The Lift Up My Heart prayer app provides you with two-hundred plus prayers at your fingertips. It gives you the ability to:
- Pray when you want, where you want.
- Set reminders for daily prayers and novenas.
- Share prayers with others.
- Create prayer groups.
- Setup a list of your favorite prayers.
Your personal digital prayer book at your finger tips
God, seeking to understand His will, seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings, seeking the counsel of the Holy Spirit, and growing in the hope found only in the Trinity. As God instructs us in the book of Jerimiah,
Call to me, and I will answer you; I will tell you great things beyond the reach of your knowledge. –Jerimiah 33:3
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Ut nisi neque, condimentum id magna non, sollicitudin lobortis nibh. Etiam in fermentum felis, non venenatis augue. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Suspendisse tempor turpis vitae velit pharetra, ac varius ipsum pharetra. Ut at metus lobortis, porta tellus at, faucibus odio. Maecenas dictum quam vulputate lacus pharetra, et iaculis erat scelerisque. Nullam nec dui porta, ultricies leo nec, malesuada enim.