Mind Mapping Holiness

Mind Mapping Holiness

Before we can properly map our way to increased Holiness, we first need to understand what Holiness is.

Holiness is the clear distinction between one from many. To be holy is to be unique, to be set apart from what is common, imperfect, or wicked.

Being Holy is conforming one’s behavior and one’s character to that of Christ, resulting in our being new and different people. Growing in holiness is making an intentional effort to immerse oneself in all things that would make the follower of Christ,  more and more Christ-like, in all of their actions, words, and deeds.

Mind Mapping is a tool that can help us map out a path to holiness. A manageable path that can help us grow in the areas that lead to increased holiness. We have designed a template that has what we have defined as the five branches of holiness. We added a sixth branch because we all have a personal branch that requires our special attention. My sixth branch is my cross. Making sure I pick it up every morning and carry it throughout the day.  

My Mind Map helps me look at the things I need to do over the coming ten days to grow in holiness. It helps me to thoughtfully think about the scriptures I need to read, the prayers I need to pray, the virtue I need to practice and the vice I need to avoid. 

As you review the template, go clockwise, starting with the “Prayer,” nod at the top of the template. asking yourself questions like, what can I pray for that will give me a deeper understanding of God’s will?

There is no question that we are all called by God to be holy. There is also no question that we have a choice through the free will that God has given us. Do we want to grow in holiness? Or do we want to maintain the minimum needed to be a follower of Christ?

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is ideal for brainstorming ideas around a concept. It focuses on thinking, giving rise to other thoughts, and showing how they relate to each other.  At QV40 we invite you to use this amazing tool to grow in Holiness and move in the direction of becoming more Christ-like.

One of God’s most consistent requests from the Old Testament through the New, God set the bar rather high, in that He is calling us to be Holy as He is Holy.

Attaining that benchmark isn’t going to happen by chance. It is going to require a plan and effort on your behalf. QV40 is designed to help you grow in Holiness ten days at a time. While there are several references in scripture telling us why we need to grow in Holiness the last three popes also offered strong rationale to follow.

True holiness is not achieved by what we do, but by what we allow God to do in us.