Holy Bibile The Fullness of Holiness I recently saw a picture of Jesus on His way to be crucified. He had already been beaten, and the … QV40December 22, 202210:11 pm0 comments
Holy Bibile Prayer That Guides You There was a King who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. The … QV40December 15, 20224:46 am0 comments
Christ Rejoicing In the Love of Christ Jesus’s birth was truly a three-part gift; His first coming made it possible for us to be baptized in the … QV40September 10, 20217:59 pm0 comments
Christ It All Begins and Ends In Scripture Catholics, believe the teachings of Jesus that are read and heard in the Gospels specifically what He wanted Christians to … QV40December 9, 201912:59 pm0 comments
Christ Holiness of Virtues I was asked the other day, “How do we know what to do here on earth that almost guarantees our … QV40November 30, 20189:00 pm0 comments